Drawing and/or Acrylic Painting

  Acrylic Painting/Drawing/ and/or Pastels
  3/3/2020 - 5/5/2020
  4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  Arrowhead School Art Room:
  Bev Blahut

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Ages 11 to Adult. You can't decide if you want to take a drawing class or a painting class? This class is designed for both painters and drawers to work separately in the same environment. People who paint use their own different and individual subjects that they choose. People who draw are given specific subject matter each week. In both cases all the elements of drawing and painting will be employed. Painters will need acrylics in at least the primary colors, a large tube of white, and a variety of paint brushes and heavy paper or canvas board. Drawers need a drawing tablet and a variety of pencils. Specifics will be discussed in the first class. The class is set up for adults but any serious minded young person who is at least age 11 through the teens, is most welcome. All will be expected to be self motivated.
Instructor: Beverly Blahut