Agent Training Computer Programming Camp

  9740 Agent Training - July
  7/8/2019 - 7/11/2019
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  Arcola Intermediate School Room #149:
  Instructors Young Hacks Academy

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Register by June 1st for discount! Price increases June 2nd. Grades 4 - 7. Preparing the next generation of problem-solvers, YHA Agent Training teaches kids to build cool video games about big challenges facing the world today, such as climate change, homelessness, and endangered wildlife. Whether it's public speaking or collaborating with peers, YHA models essential leadership techniques that will immediately help students in and out of the classroom. Agents tackle daily missions using Scratch, a fun programming tool that empowers students to quickly start developing their own games and interactive stories. The challenge is to come up with a project that will not only entertain their friends, but also teach something about important topics that are impacting our local and global community. For YHA alums and students with advanced Scratch skills, AT Plus projects will also be offered for higher complexity and game customization.